Amazon bestseller
DIscover the banking present and its fintech future, learning how to master the necessary shift of business focus from transactional outputs to selling client outcomes.
You’ll be able to steer your digital bank or fintech towards new economic models underpinned by Contextual Banking and Conscious Banking platform strategies, that will benefit stakeholders of all kinds.
keynote speaker
about thePSironi
Paolo Sironi is the global research leader in Banking and Financial Markets at IBM Institute for Business Value. A trailbrazer in fintech, his insights resonate across the industry, making him one of the most respected voices in the field.
As the host of THE BANKERS' BOOKSHELF podcast, ahead of brings cutting-edge research to live, shairng the stories and startegies behind financial innovation.
With a career spanning from start-up entrepreneurship to leading risk management as a quantitative engineer in investment banking, Paolo's expertise bridges the gap between technology and finance.
His groundbreaking books, including the Amazon bestseller Banks and Fintech on Platform Economies, have become essential reading for professionals navigating the evolving financial landscape.
© 2019